Hi, I’m Amy Nelson

I have always believed that a strong trait for any doctor is to be as compassionate as they are intelligent.

I value listening to people and truly understand why a pathology or imbalance is happening. This involves knowing how all areas of the body work and tie together and how a person is in dynamic balance with stress, genetics, nutrition, habits, and environment. 

I chose to study Naturopathic Medicine because my passion for investigating and understanding the root cause of illness. Coupled with my background as a scientist, I focus on understanding you and guiding you to answers.

Three main areas of expertise I have dedicated my life to studying are hormonal health, neurotransmitter health, and digestive health. I completed my Associateship at the IBS Treatment Center in Santa Monica, CA, where we focused on helping people with the most complicated bowel struggles. By understanding food sensitivities, digestive immune function, inflammation, physiology changes in the bowel, as well as the microbiology of the bowel, we were able to have an over 80% success rate for our patients.

I moved to Austin, TX in 2012 where I expanded into studying neurotransmitter and hormone imbalances - areas highly important for anyone with mood or hormonal irregularities. Having the biochemistry story to your hormones, mood, and energy helps you stabilize. 

As a previous chemist and scientist for the nuclear industry and blood banking industry, I apply my analytical chemistry to understanding functional medicine testing. I love explaining labs and answering your questions about your health. My job is your teacher and tutor—and I work to cultivate learning and a safe space for you to answer questions. I see clients of all ages and it is a joy to see people thrive.

My ND license is from California, where I can practice primary care medicine. Unfortunately in Texas, we cannot practice to our full scope. We are working to change that, to learn more visit txand.org. I attended medical school at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR where I studied nutritional therapy, herbal medicine and homeopathy.

In 2023 I founded North Star Healing Center to serve the community by providing expert care in root cause analysis as well as implementing therapies that create true healing with the utmost compassion. North Star got it’s name because Texas elementary schools start their day very early. My son and I would wait his school bus before the dawn, and to shake our morning grumpiness, we learned constellations. We quickly learned polaris, north star. From there the world of constellations can be spotted, and more importantly, the direction. As we brainstormed names for this special clinic, one morning it came to us - North Star! Coupled with the fact I was raised in Montana (the north) and now live in Texas (the Lone Star State), this fit perfectly. With North Star Healing Center - I am here to help you navigate through your health. Let’s journey together!